Tag Archives: divided attention

DAAP 5401

Clifton Literary Center
First finished elevation for final iteration

To do list for today:

1/4″ = 1′-0″ model.

  • stain wood of the 1st floor
  • get the 1st floor structure down (48 columns total!)
  • put in the 1st floor walls


  • south
  • get the breezeways ready to be rendered

other classes that aren’t immersion studio.

  • find out when co-op test is
  • start studying for arts and society
  • environmental technology.. study.

and that’s pretty much how life is. Studio stuff, and then everything else that has to do with studio kind-of, or not really. This quarter everything is pretty much related to main studio, except for arts and society. It’s an interesting class, at the least.

I need to also start thinking about my final layout. I have an idea, some studd sketched out, but I’ll look at other precendents to get something really sophisticated down.